
Reflection on using Python and Microsoft Power BI for data analysis

The implication of data analytics helps in evaluating large volumes of business data which helps in optimizing business performance, maximizing profit, and executing of “strategically-guided decision-making”. I have presented my understanding of MS Power BI and Python and how this might impact the future practice in digital businesses using Gibb’s Reflective Cycle.             Figure : Gibb's Reflective Cycle Description: Business Intelligence (BI) ingests business data and represents the ingested raw data in a user-friendly view like interactive dashboards, graphs, visual reports, and many more. The viewpoints on the use of Business Intelligence Software such as MS Power BI and Python for data analytics that I have gathered from my participation in the module seminar of “University of Salford” are presented in this blog spot. According to “CIO Magazine” Business Intelligence not only helps in generating visual reports from unstructured or semi-structured data but also

What the paper says ?

Business Ethics The term “Business Ethics” can be defined as the applied formulation of professional ethics that can be helpful for regulating the business operation and environment in a transparent and positive way while “Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)”  focuses on the overall sustainability of the environmental, social, and economic operation. As per the view of Ferrell et al., (2019), business ethics can be treated as an integral part of the “social activities” of a business organisation that impart scope for the management of brand image within the competitive marketplace. As perceived by Ferrell et al., (2019), the implementation of a complementary framework helps in balancing the “pre-eminence of stakeholder management”, business ethics, and CSR activities. As a result, through the inclusion of social understanding, and environmental sustainability practices within the business operations a company becomes able to reflect brand attitude along with “Customer-bra

Information system used in business

 Search and social media marketing There user has been describing the data about “ Search and social media marketing ”, this has been a critical or essential part of the marketing. Based on these marketing skills company views or handle its brand image on the market, using these skills it can attract consumers as well as build its reputation in the market as well as it has also increased brand recognition. Hereafter this has been an essential role in marketing skills, using this method companies can easily gather and distribute their business information as well as they are also able to enhance their efficiency in digital operations (Mohapatra, 2021). This skill has been providing a vast improvement in the business, and this also been applying for changing the marketing skills as well as developing their product value these strategies have been followed by the MNCs. the UDEMY  has used this method to socialize their marketing as well as increase their advertisement visibility for their