Information system used in business

 Search and social media marketing

There user has been describing the data about “Search and social media marketing”, this has been a critical or essential part of the marketing. Based on these marketing skills company views or handle its brand image on the market, using these skills it can attract consumers as well as build its reputation in the market as well as it has also increased brand recognition. Hereafter this has been an essential role in marketing skills, using this method companies can easily gather and distribute their business information as well as they are also able to enhance their efficiency in digital operations (Mohapatra, 2021). This skill has been providing a vast improvement in the business, and this also been applying for changing the marketing skills as well as developing their product value these strategies have been followed by the MNCs. the UDEMY  has used this method to socialize their marketing as well as increase their advertisement visibility for their consumer, this has also been known as business skills.

Figure 1: Social Media Advertisement of UDEMY

Based on the data company's marketing depart has been focused on their marketing department as well as they use various method which has been increasing their availability on social media, as well as they use various types of method which is help them to attract their customer. Therefore, social media advertisement has helped companies to increase their consumer approach as well as develop their product based on their consumer requirement, according to the research their data has shown that this method helps companies to increase their companies and their consumers to 17%. Based on this UDEMY has been an E-learning platform, this company has provided various knowledgeable courses which have to improve the student's kb knowledge. Hence when UDEMY published any type of new course they provide an advertisement on the social media platform, according to this consumers know about their course as well as they also can take admission via this advertisement. Hence this company has been providing various courses, many courses are free, hence using this method they can easily develop their business skills as well as they also get new consumers for continuing their business. 

According to the data, this method is used for developing business processes and building new business skills which have been helping companies to increase their consumption (Veza & Maghfiroh, 2020). For this, companies can connect with their consumers as well as they can easily know their consumer's requirements and try to meet their criteria. Hereafter they also provide the link which has been helping their consumer to reach them along with using social media advertisement skills they can easily reach their target as well as they can earn the brand reputation to their consumer. Hence this has been an important skill for the companies to develop their business. Companies have been able to create an innovative website that has been providing SEO performance based on this they can create Facebook pages and Instagram pages easily, and using those pages they can attract their consumers and be away for tier campaigns greatly.


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